Monday, June 30, 2008

Another lacrosse trip down...1 more to go!

We have just returned from LA where I had the privilege of watching my oldest play lacrosse all weekend. I have to admit I watched a lot, but I also spent much of the time enjoying the high temps of 70 degrees and the other wonderful parents we got to hang with!! Remember my last trip where the boys were making me crazy?? I met one of their parents and wouldn't you know it...I LOVED them! Ha! Even got to tell them about our crazy adventures.

I have also been enjoying keeping "the secret". Some more people have been told or found out, but for the most part it is still on the down low. I kind of like knowing that I know something you may or may not know! :) Plus since I am still not 100% sure how excited the other three are going to be I figure the longer I keep it under wraps the closer it will be to time!

I still haven't figured out how I want to use this blog. Thinking mostly to update family/friends, but I also feel like I need a place to go to share my feelings. Some place to just vent or talk about what's going on. Right now since no one is really reading I am still trying to get it how I want it. Hopefully that will come to me soon!

Monday, June 16, 2008

When did I become this person??

OK, so we went to Park City for Bradley's lacrosse tournament. It was beautiful and a great time had by all. However, there were some kids traveling without parents. For whatever reason some kids just came to play and some parents just couldn't be there. Right next door to us in our hotel room was a group of 4 boys with NO parents. Normally I would be fine with this...I mean come on I am a young hip mom. Sadly though it went something like this... Thursday night I was up half the night because my neighbors just couldn't sleep. I let this go. Boys just being boys. I am truly OK with this. That is until morning when I am so exhausted I can hardly stand up! Guess I am more used to the 8 hours of sleep I get every night. I decide I can take this and say nothing. Even after one of the boys pulled his pants down and mooned my son, while I was standing there!!!! He somehow didn't see the adult standing there??? Now we are gearing up for night number 2. We all went to a picnic for dinner and I was hoping these boys would be a little more tired. I mean come on they played lacrosse all day after not sleeping...surely they will be tired because GOD knows I was exhausted! Fast forward to 11:30pm when I look at my husband and say that's it...I am going in!!! So here I am in my pj's none the less and I come out of my room and yell at these boys....PLEASE SHUT UP! It is late and some people need REST! Ugh...I come back in the room and I would like to say that I felt better, but truly all I kept thinking was when did I become MY parents???? I am happy to say within 10 minutes those boys didn't make another peep! Of course the next day at the airport the boys were caught by me misbehaving once again and thankfully the "evil" eye worked that time!!!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Why is it?

Why is it when I was in my twenties I LOVED to travel, LOVED to fly, LOVED to see far away places and now that I am in my thirties I stress about EVERYTHING!?! I never had fear of flying before and suddenly I am set to fly to Park City, Utah on Thursday and all I can think about is ALL the things that can go wrong!!! I haven't flown since January 2006!! I know they say a plane is the safest way to travel, but why can't I get the images of 9/11 out of my head? I know I will be ok, but I think sometimes when you travel and you leave behind some of your children it makes you stress even more. You see we are heading to Park City for a lacrosse tournament for my oldest son. That means #2 and #3 son's are staying behind. So you let your imagination run away with you...all the things that could go wrong...did I tell the boys how much I love them? Do they know? I am pretty sure I am not the only person that feels this way...I just hope my feelings change in the next 72 hours!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I haven't known where to start on this blog. I have had it for quite some time now, but never knew how to actually START it. Never knew what I really wanted to say. I read so many other people's blog's and it has become a real outlet for me as a mom. I love my bloggy friends and am so thankful they are there. Most of the time even if it's just to reinforce some of the crazy mom feelings I get! I work full time from home and somehow manage three boys ages 12, 8, and 3 and all of their activities. Sometimes I want to throw the towel in and say enough, but the look of joy on their faces keeps me trucking along! Now it appears there will be baby number 4!!! :) I figure no one reads this blog so I am safe for now!!! At least until I confirm what I see! So there you have it. My first post to my blog and it's to annouce pregnancy! Yah!