Yesterday, Gabe had his 9 month check up! I have no idea where the time has gone. His stats came in at:
Weight: 20 lbs and 9 oz (46%)
Length: 30 inches (93%)
circumference 44cm (15%)
The doctor said he looks great and should start eating normal food. That of course confused me because he still has NO teeth!!! All of the boys at this age already had teeth so to me it made sense for them to be eating food. His ears were all better so now I am just praying we make it
thru the holiday's all well!!!!

This is how he sits all the time. He crawls everywhere and gets up and then back to crawling. The other boys didn't do this either! When I asked the doctor he said it was all good! :)

I just love this picture. Lately I have been bathing both of the younger boys together just for time and they were both so excited!! Check out
JT's new haircut too. They are getting so big!!
JT will be five on Monday!!!!
seriously where does the time go?? When we were younger it took forever from the start of school until the Christmas holiday. Now it seems to come so much faster!!!