Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Post Full of Pictures!

On Mother's Day my mother-in-law came over to teach me how to make sauce. She is 100% Italian and makes YUMMY sauce. I like when she brings me sauce on Sunday's, but now that Brad asks for it more than that I decided it was time I learned how to make it myself. This is JT enjoying the YUMMY sauce....

It was too funny. He ate his whole dinner with the backpack on and the sunglasses. What a nut!

Yes, sometimes Gabe does cry. It's not often, but he even looks cute crying....

I was trying to get some random smiling pictures, but instead he gave me the serious look...

JT saw me taking pictures and wanted one of him too!! What is so funny is Gabe turned right around to stare at his big brother. :)

Gabe is now sitting on the couch. Of course he has the cushion to hold him up, but he does it with no other help!!

His GQ pose....

His giggly goo laugh

I started thinking we only had first bath pictures and decided we needed some new ones. We had to buy him a new bathtub. The first one we had he didn't like. I think he always felt like he was falling. Poor guy, but the new one he seems to really like!!!

JT just finished his baseball season. These pictures were taken at his last game. I thought in the end he did really well, but he is for sure not ready for sports!! :)

Gabe found his tongue the other day. Out of the blue he just started to act like a snake! Here are some funny pictures of him showing us what he had just learned!!!

Some other awesome new things from little Gabers...he is sleeping thru the night now. We put him down around 8pm and between 10-11 when we go to bed we feed him 4 oz. of food and he now sleeps until 6 or 630am. I am so grateful for the sleep!! I feel like I can do anything with that much rest! School is out for the kids on Wednesday. Brad has lacrosse all summer. Not sure what Greg or JT are going to do.
Some other exciting things are coming up as well. I will try and be better!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Oh where or where has the time gone....

I can't believe that I haven't posted in two weeks! Life is so busy right now with the four guys! With Bradley having football three times a week, Greggory doing Lacrosse thankfully only on Sundays and JT doing T-ball two days a week it seems like it is non-stop action! Thankfully Gabe takes it all in stride!

Tonight we were at one of Bradley's football games and it was a tied game and Bradley threw a 15-20 yard pass to his friend Christian who just happened to be in the in-zone and a touchdown occured. Game over and all of the parents were screaming and yelling like we just won the Super Bowl and Gabe slept in the sling the whole time. Didn't move once. He's just AWESOME!!!! We also went to a Bar Mitzvah today. These two pictures of Greg are from that. He had so much fun!!!

JT had his ice creams social at his preschool and this was the ONLY picture I could get. He ran around the playground so much I couldn't stop him. As you can see he is in a cage petting the animals so it was a bit easier!

JT wanted me to take his picture being a super hero!! He had his cape on and his HULK HANDS! Now if only he could snap his fingers and his playroom be cleaned up!!!

I finally got Gabe to give me the REAL smile. The first picture he was thinking about it, but by the second one....