I can't believe that 5 months have already gone by. Wow it has been fast!!! Gabe cracks me up all the time. He is so
smiley and sweet and just an all around happy guy. Below is a picture of his first play date! His girlfriend, Emmery, who is just a few weeks older than him came over to play!!

They just kept staring at each other!!!

This was the July 4
th cupcakes at the BBQ we attended! Thanks Jeannine for having us all over!

Here is Brad eating one of those cupcakes BEFORE dinner!!

The kids were outside playing in the pool. That was a good thing because it was 108!! Yikes that is HOT!

Greg apparently has taken up eating his nails...nice!

Gabe took a nap in the sling and I was putting my feet in the water trying to stay cool. He woke up and was ready to eat!

Picture of the boys (minus
JT) at the BBQ!

Gabe being silly tonight. Yes his shirt is wet because he won't stop drooling. He is quite the drool monster!

Look at me SO big sitting all by myself!! He can sit now for a few seconds all alone! So BIG!!!

Roxie, Daddy and
Gabers just being silly!!!

Mommy and
Gabers...he looks scared... :)

Gabe in the
jumperoo...he LOVES this thing!! So grateful to our neighbor who handed it down. Thanks Julie!! I can get
thru getting ready in the morning because of this wonderful toy!! He jumps while I do my hair/makeup!!

So happy!!! Gabe isn't eating much solid food. He really prefers the bottle and as much as he can get!! I need to start getting better and feeding him more. He just usually eats a bite or two and isn't that interested. I am sure now he might be. He is over 17 lbs and just gaining like crazy.