Monday, August 17, 2009

First Day of School

Ok so today was the first day of school. I was not ready for today at all. To be honest I could have used three or four more weeks of summer. I just really enjoyed having the boys home with me every day. I liked not having to be anywhere if we didn't want to be. I liked hanging out with friends and a trip to Disneyland. I liked having live in baby-sitters for little Gabers. But today the reality hit and off to school the boys went. I didn't even realize until I uploaded these photos that all the boys are matching!! I didn't do that on purpose! :)

Bradley came home and said he had a great day! He loved most of his teachers so that is a good thing. He was a bit disturbed that his Spanish 1-2 won't count as a credit in high school so he will still have to take 2 more years of Spanish. He was also upset to learn that this year his Aims test also has Science on it! He cracks me up. He is a straight A student but you wouldn't know that! ;) He did say all in all though it was a GREAT day.
Greg also had a great day. He really likes his teacher and ALL his friends are in his class. There are 35 kids this year in one class. I feel I will need to bring his teacher LOTS of Starbucks to help her manage!! I can barely deal with 4 kids everyday I have NO idea how I would do 35 and all 9 year olds!!! I did go in the classroom and met her and she seems super nice. She is right around my age with a 10 year old and 3 year old. I just pray Greg doesn't make her mad too quickly. Gotta watch that one! ;)
JT started his new school last week. He is attending a new school this fall and I really do like it. Only problem is I wish there were more students. Since it's a BRAND new school not many people have signed up. It's a great program and very nice, but he has only 6 kids in his class. Lot's one 1 on 1, but I need him to get ready for Kindergarten with 25 students. I am praying as the year goes by more and more people will find this school and sign up!!!
So here is to a new school year. I just pray we get thru it! :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where has the time gone?

***Six Month check-up****

Weight: 18 lbs 4 oz 59%
Height: 27 1/4 inches 76%
HC: 42 1/2 cm 16%

This Wednesday Gabe will be 6 months old. One half of a year old. How did this happen? I am not wanting him to grow up. No matter how hard it is (and sometimes its hard with 4) I just want him to stay little. Too cuddle in my arms, to try and give me kisses, to give me his HUGE smile. I love this little man!!!

His eyes are now for sure brown. It's so funny because Brad is the only other one with brown eyes. Greg and JT have blue/green eyes. Plus the other three boys are blond and Gabe is so dark. He is a little Italian boy!
Grampy came over tonight for dinner and we told him that Gabe didn't really like eating food. Grampy said here give it to me...I will do it. We gave him some peaches and he ate the WHOLE thing!!! I guess Grampy will have to come over every day!! :)

Look at those yummy peaches. We have given him applesauce and bananas, but it appears that peaches are the BIG winners!!!


After we ate our yummy peaches we took a bath. Tonight we moved our bath into the tub because our last one in the sink we made a HUGE mess!! We even switched sides of his tub because he can now sit up. Oh he is so big!!!!

Another bath shot. Gabe LOVES the bath. He loves all water. He has been loving the pool at night time too!

After our bath we fed him and cuddled on the bed with him while watching some TV. He was so chill!

My FAVORITE picture. Daddy and Gabers just chilling. Everyone is so relaxed!!! We go to the doctor later this month. Can't wait to see our weight and height. It is amazing to me how much he has grown. He is so very heavy now and he is trying to crawl. His little knees are red because he gets on his knees and rocks back and forth. Before long he will be off!!!