We started off Halloween at about 1:30am. Gabe woke up and would NOT go back to bed. He fell asleep on me which he has not done since I think he was 5 days old! He just could not get comfortable. At about 3:30am I put numbing drops in both of his ears and gave him some
Motrin and begged him to sleep!!! He did until 6:15am. Wow. So I waited til 8am to call the
Dr. and they said bring him on in at 9:15am. So on Halloween this poor man had to have a shot in both of his legs of antibiotics because he NOW has a bulging ear drum. Poor Poor man!!!
I have never heard him scream quite like that. Thankfully by
tonight's trick or treating he seemed to feel better!!! Well, maybe not better, but for sure happier!

The three amigos!!!

This was Gabe's costume. I decided since he has been
thru so much lately that dressing up was really only for me. He wasn't asking to be Darth
Vader so I decided this year he was off the hook. I am already planning next years costume! : )

Daddy and
Gabers after we walked around trick or treating. He was so happy to be outside!!!

A rare picture of Greg and I. Its so hard to get anyone, but Gabe in front of the camera today. Brad had his 2
nd round playoff game tonight at 7pm so he missed dressing up and trick or treating, but that's
ok because they won and are moving on to the next round.
JT was with his dad and I will post some pictures of him in his
Boba Fett costume soon.