I haven't known where to start on this blog. I have had it for quite some time now, but never knew how to actually START it. Never knew what I really wanted to say. I read so many other people's blog's and it has become a real outlet for me as a mom. I love my bloggy friends and am so thankful they are there. Most of the time even if it's just to reinforce some of the crazy mom feelings I get! I work full time from home and somehow manage three boys ages 12, 8, and 3 and all of their activities. Sometimes I want to throw the towel in and say enough, but the look of joy on their faces keeps me trucking along! Now it appears there will be baby number 4!!! :) I figure no one reads this blog so I am safe for now!!! At least until I confirm what I see! So there you have it. My first post to my blog and it's to annouce pregnancy! Yah!
Thank you!! We still haven't told anyone, but our parents! :) Trying to wait until 10 weeks when we can hear the heartbeat. No one knows about my secret blog so I feel safe! Ha!
OMG!!!!! Congratulations. I knew you were gonna have another one ;-)
We'll have to get to gether to celebreate.
Congrats...WOW... I'm not surprised, you always loved babies. Now Matt and you can share that special one along with the boys. Hopefully, you will have a girl...they are so much easier even though Jule's was a breeze. Where have the times gone!!, Miss you lots. Much love
Thanks everyone!! The boys are actually wishing for a sister! I think they just want something different around here! :) I will take it either way!! Just want a healthy little one!!
Holy Cow....I just about fell out of my chair!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you and can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl.
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