Can you believe it?? It's a BOY! That's right 4 boys!! Wow! I am so very excited!! Everything looked great today in the ultrasound. I have another one in two weeks because my doctor likes to do the "big" one around 19-20 weeks and since I will only be 17 weeks tomorrow the ultrasound tech couldn't get all the measurements she needed.
Don't even start asking about names though....when you have already used your favorite names on the first three this will be a bit harder. We had the girls name picked out if it were to be a girl, but the boys name...not so much. My doctor told me today that he thinks I kill all girl sperm. It gets near me and I kill it! :) I figured better before conception than after...kidding I'm only kidding! :)
I don't think the boys know what to think. My oldest wanted a girl. Something different he said. When I texted him earlier and told him it was a boy he replied back......NOOOOOOO! :) He said he is over it now. Middle son just said thats cool. I hope he's good. And of course the youngest one hasn't even been told yet. I am thinking maybe the day before I give birth. :) He does say I am getting fat from eating too much dinner, but I can live with that!! It's better than hearing him say...baby?? When baby? Can't handle it. Still too far to go!
Thanks for all the good wishes that everyone was sending my way!!
I'll be honest I was secretly hoping for a girl (j/k). I'm very excited for you! Louis called your mom last night as he didn't want to call you...who knows. Only a few more months, Paige is really looking foward to it and did the math in the tub last night. She just said "4 boys, wow that is a lot, they need to have one more so they can have 5". :-)
I am so happy that my niece can do math, but let it be known now there will NOT be 5 boys running around my house! Hahah! Now that the doctor said I reject female sperm the last thing I need is 5 boys!! :) Can't wait to see you guys...love you!
OMG....I totally thought you'd have a girl this time!
Can't wait to hear what his name is going to be:)
Everyone I think thought this would be a girl!! I told them you can wish it on me, but apparently boys are the only way I can go!! :)Still no name. We cant' agree!!!
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