Gabriel Andrew was born on Thursday, February 5, 2009 at 2:53 in the afternoon! This is a picture of me before he was born!

Here is a picture of Gabriel right after he was born....What a big boy! 7 lbs 6 oz and 20 inches long!

Dr. Eckel, me and Gabriel just after he was born.

Look at his giant hands. It makes us laugh everytime he pulls them out of his blankets!

Daddy holding the little man....

So bright eyed. The doctor had checked him and he was just watching thinking hey what's up?

Gabriel just finished eating and was so sleepy after.

We were getting out of the hospital. Had to take some goodbye pictures!

Mommy and Gabriel...

Family photo leaving the hospital!!

The dogs are meeting Gabriel for the first time. Jag just wanted to lick him and Roxie would get near him and then just growl and run. It was pretty funny. She is doing much better now!

We are so excited to have him home with us. His brothers come home on Monday so there will be more pictures to post then. He is such a sweet baby and I honestly hope it continues!!!! Love to everyone!
He's beautiful!!! I am so happy for you and your family!! We can't wait to meet him...maybe by the end of the week the family will be over the cold we've had...don't want that little one to get anything.
Love you...Kristen
Congratulations!!!! I've been wondering and praying that everything went well for you! I'm just thrilled for you!
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