My how time flies when you are having fun!!! Gabe is already one month old! At his one month check up he weighed in at a high 9 lbs and 9 oz and was already 22 inches long. Considering he started this world at 7 lbs 6 oz and only 20 inches long I decided we must be doing something right! He is still such a sweet little guy. Sleeps a lot, eats a lot and stares at the wall a lot! :) Greggory is still the only one who wants to hold him and kiss him as much as possible.

His shirt says MY MOMMY ROCKS! Well duh! :)

This picture was taken before we left him with
Grammie for the first time. I had a fundraiser at the preschool and so we had to leave him for a few hours.
Grammie and Gabe had a blast and I must say it was nice for Matt and I to get out too.
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