****UPDATE****Gabe had this two month check up and he is now 11 lbs and 12 oz. He is 22 1/2 inches long!! Go Gabers!!!
On Sunday, my cousin DJ asked to stop by and hang out with us for a bit! We LOVE it when DJ comes to visit. He is the fun 25 year old cousin, but almost seems more like an uncle to the kids. He used to live much closer to us, but moved by work when gas prices shot up and now we rarely ever see him. :( It's a 45 minute drive to just come and say hi. We DID feed him pizza and wings so the long trip was worth it! Here is a sweet picture of ALL the boys!!!

And another because what if the first one didn't take! :)

Here is Gabe in the
Bumbo chair. I never bought a
Bumbo chair for
JT because I felt they were so expensive and all my kids were early to sit. They were ALL 4 months old. So in mind I couldn't see spending the money on one. Well, my wonderful sister-in-law had one and she is letting us borrow it.
Yah for borrowing stuff!! This is our first attempt in him sitting in it. He is getting stronger and stronger sitting in there and hope to have new pictures soon! As you can see he isn't sure what to think...He is looking at Grandma in this picture! :)

Around 6 weeks we took Gabe to have his pictures done. Here are just a few of my favorites.
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