Monday, August 17, 2009

First Day of School

Ok so today was the first day of school. I was not ready for today at all. To be honest I could have used three or four more weeks of summer. I just really enjoyed having the boys home with me every day. I liked not having to be anywhere if we didn't want to be. I liked hanging out with friends and a trip to Disneyland. I liked having live in baby-sitters for little Gabers. But today the reality hit and off to school the boys went. I didn't even realize until I uploaded these photos that all the boys are matching!! I didn't do that on purpose! :)

Bradley came home and said he had a great day! He loved most of his teachers so that is a good thing. He was a bit disturbed that his Spanish 1-2 won't count as a credit in high school so he will still have to take 2 more years of Spanish. He was also upset to learn that this year his Aims test also has Science on it! He cracks me up. He is a straight A student but you wouldn't know that! ;) He did say all in all though it was a GREAT day.
Greg also had a great day. He really likes his teacher and ALL his friends are in his class. There are 35 kids this year in one class. I feel I will need to bring his teacher LOTS of Starbucks to help her manage!! I can barely deal with 4 kids everyday I have NO idea how I would do 35 and all 9 year olds!!! I did go in the classroom and met her and she seems super nice. She is right around my age with a 10 year old and 3 year old. I just pray Greg doesn't make her mad too quickly. Gotta watch that one! ;)
JT started his new school last week. He is attending a new school this fall and I really do like it. Only problem is I wish there were more students. Since it's a BRAND new school not many people have signed up. It's a great program and very nice, but he has only 6 kids in his class. Lot's one 1 on 1, but I need him to get ready for Kindergarten with 25 students. I am praying as the year goes by more and more people will find this school and sign up!!!
So here is to a new school year. I just pray we get thru it! :)


TDB said...

your family is gorgeous. That "little" baby is getting so big!!! :)

Beth said...

Thanks Cheryl!!! He will be 7 months old on Saturday...isn't that crazy?? UGH I hate how fast time flies....